Union County – Blairsville, GA

On March 9, 2023Union County adopted its First Ordinance to regulate STRs (legacy Vacation Rentals). Managing Short-Term Rentals (STRs) is a challenging and complex process that involves the knowledge of the State of Georgia and Union County Laws and Regulations, and Customs and Habits of the North Georgia Mountains Communities, taking into consideration property owners, residents, and visitors, maintaining the relax and tranquil country ambient at the same time we all follow the rules and tax obligations.

Union County is rich on hiking trails like the Appalachian and Brasstown Bald, the state’s highest peak; many fishing rivers and Lake Nottely as major water body and the jewel for water sports.

County Officials, Property Owners, Property Managers and Residents at large worked on the County’s First set of STRs Regulations, including a cap on the number of permits and establishing an Enforcement Board including members of the Fire Department, Building and Development, Environmental Health Department, Property Management Company, an STR Owner, the STR Officer, and 2 community members at large.

There is an innovative online system to comply with the Tax obligations. Also, there is a new Licensing system for STR Owners and Operational Requirements.

This New process of operations for STRs can look intimidating for those unfamiliar with professional Property Management.

Enchanted Mountain Retreats offers to STRs Owners expert guidance to a seamless transition to enjoy a safe, legal, and profitable use of your property.

Enchanted Mountain Retreats Vacation Rentals (STRs) and Property Management.

GovOs Innovative software to streamline process.

Union County Amplified Sound and Nuisance Ordinance

Sec. 48-01 RESERVED
Sec. 48-02 RESERVED
Sec. 48-03 RESERVED
Sec. 48-04 Amplified Sound.

A. Restrictions on use of sound amplifying equipment.

  1. 1. No person shall use or cause to be used any sound amplifying device or equipment at any place outdoors in the unincorporated areas of Union County, except in accordance with subsection 2. Sound-amplifying device or equipment means any machine or device for the amplification of the human voice, music, or any other sound. Sound-amplifying equipment shall not include standard automobile radios when used and heard only by the occupants of the vehicle in which the automobile radio is installed. Sound amplifying equipment, as used in this article, shall not include warning devices or authorized emergency vehicles or horns or other warning devices on any vehicle used only for traffic safety purposes.
    2.   Sound amplifying devices and equipment:
    i.  Shall be operated in a manner that directs sound, to the extent feasible, toward open unoccupied space and away from any residential area. For the purpose of this article, residential area means any real property that contains a structure or building in which one or more persons reside.
    ii.  Shall not be used outdoors between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and not between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday except when approved by the Sheriff’s Office.

B. Exceptions.

This section shall not be construed to apply to the use of sound amplifying equipment or devices under the following circumstances:

  1.  No person shall use or cause to be used any sound amplifying device or equipment at any place outdoors in the unincorporated areas of Union County, except in accordance with subsection 2. Sound-amplifying device or equipment means any machine or device for the amplification of the human voice, music, or any other sound. Sound-amplifying equipment shall not include standard automobile radios when used and heard only by the occupants of the vehicle in which the automobile radio is installed. Sound amplifying equipment, as used in this article, shall not include warning devices or authorized emergency vehicles or horns or other warning devices on any vehicle used only for traffic safety purposes.
  2. Sound amplifying devices and equipment:
    i. Shall be operated in a manner that directs sound, to the extent feasible, toward open unoccupied space and away from any residential area. For the purpose of this article, residential area means any real property that contains a structure or building in which one or more persons reside.
    ii. Shall not be used outdoors between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and not between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday except when approved by the Sheriff’s Office.

    B. Exceptions.
    This section shall not be construed to apply to the use of sound amplifying equipment or devices under the following circumstances:
    1.  Sound amplification equipment or devices used on privately owned property, where the sound produced does not carry beyond the real property line.
    2.  Radios, stereo systems, televisions and other, similar, audio equipment, when the volume does not exceed the volume of normal conversational speech.
    3.  Sound amplification equipment or devices used on emergency vehicles or by government employees in connection with any activity undertaken for the protection of the public health or safety.
    4.  Sound amplification equipment or devices used as a part of an organized school related program, activity, event or parade or other public programs, activities, or events authorized by the Union County Sheriff’s Office.
    5.  The reasonable use of amplifiers or loudspeakers in the course of public addresses which are noncommercial.
    C. Violations.
    This section shall be enforced by the Union County Sheriff’s Office. The Union County Sheriff’s Office shall have the discretion to issue a warning in lieu of a citation for the first offense. Any person who uses or causes to be used any sound amplifying equipment or device in violation of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500.00 or imprisonment for 30 days or both for a first offence any subsequent offence can be punishable by maximum fines and/or jail time as allowed for a misdemeanor under Georgia law.
    Each incident shall be a separate violation such that multiple violations may occur on the same date. If a person is warned or cited for a violation of this section and corrects the violation but then later, on the same date, uses or causes to be used any sound amplifying equipment or device in violation of the provisions of this section, such person may be cited for a separate violation of this section.

Thanking you in advance for following this Ordinance and for your kindness and understanding.

Property Management
Enchanted Mountain Retreats
Phone : 706-781-3892
[email protected]

Image Source: https://www.ucda.net/

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